Terahertz Imaging Platform

Terahertz Imaging Platform

The new terahertz imaging extension for the time-domain spectroscopy platform TeraFlash has a spectral bandwidth of 0.1 to 5THz. It uses two precise linear stages to scan a sample through the focus of the terahertz beam.

The translational movement is synchronized with the delay-stage within the system, speeding up the measurements, allowing the system to acquire complete waveforms for up to 16 pixels/sec. The positioning accuracy is better than 200µm over a 15x15cm field of view. The Imaging Extension comes in two versions: a basic setup for researchers who wish to use their own optical components, and a complete version that includes parabolic mirrors for beam shaping and focusing.

TOPTICA Photonics AG

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Bild: ©Ryan/stock.adobe.com
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