16MP PCIe Camera with +300fps at Full Resolution

16MP PCIe Camera
with +300fps at Full Resolution

The PCIe interface allows the new xiB-64 camera family to stream data at speeds as high as 64Gbit/s over distances of up to 300m. Resolution range is up to 16 MP and is further enhanced with a Canon lens EF-mount that allows remote control of aperture, focus and image stabilization. The camera’s data and control interface are fully compliant with PCI Express External Cabling Specifications, which allows real data throughput of 7,000MB/s. The new CB160 cameras are utilizing the Lux160 sensors from Luxima. The sensors have large size (18.3×13.3mm) and fast data throughput with potential 300+fps at a full resolution of 4,704×3,424.

Bild: Ximea GmbH

Ximea GmbH

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