AI Automates Subjective Image Quality Tuning

AI Automates Subjective Image Quality Tuning

NaturalIQ is an AI approach that allows customers to automate subjective camera tuning by learning image quality (IQ) preferences from their own natural image datasets. Embedded camera providers still struggle to achieve a differentiated look&feel or emulate best in class consumer cameras. This results in many tuning iterations in the attempt to converge on the conflicting stakeholder objectives and requires hard-to-find expertise. NaturalIQ allows camera teams to tune against a dataset of their preferred natural images that represents the image quality outcome they desire. This image dataset can be easily created with photo editing tools or captured with a best in class camera of choice, dramatically simplifying the subjective tuning process. Once a meaningful image dataset is collected, the images are rapidly displayed and captured by the camera configuration being tuned. NaturalIQ iteratively analyzes the camera output to determine how close the camera’s tuning parameter settings are to the goal defined by the image dataset and searches the parameter space to find the best settings.


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