Multispectral Cameras with Color Shades

Multispectral Cameras with Color Shades

The CMS multispetral cameras are specially designed to allow high integration of VIS/NIR multispectral systems in snapshot configuration.

 (Bild: SILIOS Technologie)

(Bild: Silios Technologie)

The less than 60g and 52x52x22mm large cameras split the image into eight spectral bands plus one B&W channel. Made by hybridization of a custom Bayer-like matrix on a commercial 1.3MP CMOS Sensor, they allow extracting the spectrum on each point of an image. Three different cameras are offered: CMS-C (color), CMS-V (vegetation) and CMS-S (security) to address a wide spectrum of applications.

SILIOS Technologie

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