High-Precision 3D Laser Profiler Series

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High-Precision 3D Laser Profiler Series

Teledyne Dalsa announced the release of the high-precision 3D laser profiler series Z-Trak for industrial machine vision operations.

The 3D laser scanner Z-Trak is factory calibrated and includes Teledyne Dalsa´s free software packages for field deployment. (Image: Teledyne Dalsa Inc.)

The 3D laser scanner Z-Trak is factory calibrated and includes Teledyne Dalsa´s free software packages for field deployment. (Image: Teledyne Dalsa Inc.)

– robust FIR-Peak detector algorithm

– available with red and blue lasers

– measurement range from 10 to 1,000mm

– laser class 2M and 3

– compact IP67 housing

– free software: Sapera LT, Sapera Processing Group

Today, 3D technology is used everywhere, with applications in the medical industry, science, automotive, food production and sorting, as well as for machine vision. Laser scanners are ideal for in-line metrology, volumetric measurements, parts inspection, identification, guidance, and bin-picking applications in semiconductor, electronics, automation and logistics industries. The new Z-Trak series of 3D laser profilers deliver high-accuracy, high-precision height measurements using laser triangulation techniques and an ergonomically designed compact IP67 unit, which features a powerful peak detector. With a wide selection of models, it covers measurement ranges from 10 to 1,000mm, working distances from 30 to 1,500mm and accuracies down to 3µm. It delivers highly linear, repeatable results by combining reflectance based dynamic laser power control and optimized optical path. High quality lasers and a Scheimpflug optimized optical path enables the 3D laser scanner to produce consistent measurement across the entire field of view. The product is factory calibrated and includes Teledyne Dalsa´s free software packages for field deployment. With GenICam support , the scanner easily interfaces with third-party off-the-shelf software packages. It also supports Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), standard 24VDC, general-purpose inputs/outputs along with flexible mounting options. 1 RTL, and Sherlock 8.0 3D. n


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inVISION 2 2019
Teledyne Dalsa Inc.

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