Agriculture Machines

Agriculture Machines

Tensorfield Agriculture builds robots for a future without herbicides. We are the first company to eradicate weeds using thermal micro-dosing by firing targeted jets of heated vegetable oil with the aid of computer vision.

Figure: Tensorfield Agriculture is building the next generation of agricultural machines with a focus on applications for specialty row crops. (Bild: Tensorfield Agriculture, Inc.)

Figure: Tensorfield Agriculture is building the next generation of agricultural machines with a focus on applications for specialty row crops. (Bild: Tensorfield Agriculture, Inc.)

What was the ide that initiated the foundation of your company?

Tensorfield was founded to commercialize this method, which has been studied and trailed independently by researchers at UC Davis and the University of Bonn Landtechnik. Our goal is to end the world’s reliance on herbicides and unsustainable labor practices for food production, starting with vegetable crops. @StartUp_Zwischenüberschrift:What is the question your technology is the answer for?

What is the question your technology is the answer for?

How do we continue to feed the world when herbicides are ineffective and farm labor is scarce? Herbicide resistance through overuse is a major threat to the future of our food security, and growers already face crippling labor shortages which are leaving fields unsalvageable due to weed pressures. One of our robots is designed to do the work of 40 labourers at once without herbicides, providing a huge competitive advantage for conventional and organic farmers alike. @StartUp_Zwischenüberschrift:What makes your company unique?

What makes your company unique?

We are unique in our ability to service extremely challenging high-density crop stands, for which the only alternative available to our farmers is expensive hand labor. Our founding team has over 40 years of combined best-in-class industry experience working on robotics, integrated circuit design and computer vision. We work closely with our clients in a tailored Robotics-as-a-Service model which scales and seamlessly integrates with their existing value stream.


| Start Up
Vision Ventures GmbH & Co. KG

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