Camera for Radiographic Imaging

Camera for Radiographic Imaging

The portable MiniPIX camera (60x12x5mm) contains a single Timepix device with a Silicon sensor. The energy sensitive imaging built into a small device brings a new dimension to radiographic imaging.

 (Bild: Advacam s.r.o.)

(Bild: Advacam s.r.o.)

The compact size allows the camera to be inserted into pipes or confined spaces and takes images otherwise difficult to make. It uses USB2.0 interface capable to read up to 45fps. The camera can be equipped with a pinhole, coded aperture or X-ray optics. The system can be used in imaging applications (e.g. X-ray or neutron imaging) as well as for radiation monitoring, where its ability to recognise individual particles, sort them to several groups (X-rays, electrons, neutrons, alphas etc.) and measure their energies is utilised with great advantage.

Advacam s.r.o.

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