Industrial X-ray Camera

Industrial X-ray Camera

The WidePix 2(1)x5 MPX3 camera consists of either 2×5 or 1×5 Medipix3 devices. Each pixel has two integrated 12bit digital counters and two energy discrimination thresholds.

 (Bild: Advacam s.r.o.)

(Bild: Advacam s.r.o.)

Both counters can be joined to a single 24bit counter providing enhanced dynamic range. The camera can be constructed with Si or CdTe edgeless sensor tiles. This allows placing all tiles tightly together from all sides. Thus the whole imaging area of the camera is fully sensitive to the radiation. The minimum detectable energy is typically 5keV in case of X-ray photons. The intrinsic spatial resolution of the camera is defined by pixel size which is 55µm. The pixels situated on the border of tiles are two times larger in one direction. The corner pixels of tiles are two times larger in both directions.


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inVISION 2 2019
Advacam s.r.o.

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