PPE Enforcement with Edge AI Vision Keeps Workers Safe

PPE Enforcement with Edge AI Vision Keeps Workers Safe

Systems leveraging AI with real-time object detection through image and video analysis can automate personal protective equipment (PPE) policy enforcement.

 (Bild: ADLINK Technology GmbH)

(Bild: ADLINK Technology GmbH)

Employers in the manufacturing, construction evaluate their operations to identify risks and develop PPE policies to minimize them. Measures these enterprises require can range from low-tech solutions such as hard hats, goggles, or gloves to more advanced equipment, such as respirators and biohazard suits. But employees can forget to use PPE, use it incorrectly, or, unfortunately, resist using it at all. Enforcing PPE policies have traditionally fallen to managers and supervisors who conduct visual inspections or react when they encounter noncompliance. But it’s impossible to watch each employee continually in each circumstance requiring PPE. Systems leveraging AI with real-time object detection through image and video analysis can automate PPE policy enforcement. These systems can spot employees on a manufacturing floor or construction site who aren’t using PPE or incorrectly using. Moreover, tech solutions for PPE policy enforcement provide operations with a solution for audits; the data they collect can automatically generate reports. Pervasive Technologies has developed an AI vision system that replaces traditional, manual PPE control processes with an automated alternative. The Heureka Industry AI vision solution employs Adlink technology, combining advanced analytics with machine learning and image processing. The solution runs on the Edge AI plattform DLAP-201-JT2 for multiple cameras, with connection to the Google Cloud Platform for continuous monitoring and storage or integration with Network Optix Nx Meta VMP as an on-device VMS server. You can configure the system to send alerts about PPE noncompliance to managers or to an edge system that could react to shut down systems to prevent unprotected worker exposure to hazards. You can connect your existing cameras to Heureka, and the system, already trained and optimized for key use cases, monitors designated areas, recognizes PPE, and confirms whether employees are using it – and using it correctly.

ADLINK Technology GmbH

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