Deep Learning Libraries

Deep Learning Libraries

The deep learning library EasySegment works in unsupervised mode. After being trained with good images only, it can detect and segment anomalies and defects in new images. It works with any image resolution, supports data augmentation and masks, and is compatible with CPU and GPU processing. The new software complements EasyClassify as Open eVision’s deep learning libraries. EasyClassify is a classification tool that can detect defective products and sort them into various classes. Both softwares are easy to use and have been tailored, parametrised and optimised for analyzing images, particularly for machine vision applications.

 (Bild: Euresys s.a.)

(Bild: Euresys s.a.)

They come with the free deep learning studio application, which allows users to evaluate the capabilities of the libraries, create and manage datasets, and supervise the training process.

Euresys s.a.

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