AI in Production

AI in Production

Ultra-Compact AI Processing Card for AI on Edge Computing

AI Core is the first embedded ultra-compact Artificial Intelligence processing card for edge computing. It is a mini-PCIe module powered by Intel Movidius Myriad 2. This low-power module enhances IIoT edge devices with hardware accelerated deep learning and enhanced machine vision functionality.

AI Core is available for pre-order on UP Shop at the end user price of 69$. (Bild: Aaeon Europe)

AI Core is available for preorder on UP Shop at the end user price of 69$. (Bild: Aaeon Europe)

Intel announced ´AI: In Production´, a new program designed to streamline design and production of AI-centric devices that leverage the Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick. The program is designed to reduce the complexity of developing custom circuit boards and allow developers prototyping AI applications with the Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick to take their designs to market. Intel has selected Aaeon as the first partner to provide two streamlined paths to production for developers to integrate a low-power Intel Myriad 2 VPU into their product designs: The AI Core is a mini-PCIe module that is designed to work with a wide range of x86 host platforms. It delivers the low power, high-performance capabilities of the Intel Movidius Myriad 2 VPU deep neural networks accelerator, and is compatible with the Neural Compute SDK software suite already used by thousands of machine learning developers and companies worldwide. Furthermore AI Core is the solution for cloud limitations by bringing AI performance and hardware acceleration not ‚at‘ but ‚on‘ the Edge of the Internet of Things. With 512MB onboard DDR memory this mini card module requires very little energy to enable local deep-learning and computing vision algorithms. It gets your edge device to act and respond to the environment without connecting to the cloud and it is ideal for object recognition, people recognition in products such as drones, high-end virtual reality headsets, robotics, intelligent home devices, intelligent video surveillance solutions and intelligent retail applications. The module is the perfect companion board of Up Squared, the compact, expandable board powered by Intel N3350/N4200/E3940/E3950 product family. However, its mini-PCIe interface makes it compatible with most industrial computer boards in the market. Using the supported software tools, users can create and train a neural network in the cloud and then run it locally on AI Core. Users can shorten integration and deployment by using the SDK for Myriad 2 that contains API and Toolkit.


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