30 Years CCS and Worldwide Inspection LED Lightings

Science of Light

inVISION: How important is or will the European market be for CCS in the future?

Sakamoto: Europe is one of the most important regions for us. We especially focus on the area of fast-moving segments such as automotive, pharmaceutical, and high-tech industries.

inVISION: What new lighting trends are you currently seeing at the market?

Figure: CSS, Inc.

Sakamoto: We foresee multi-scan imaging system is becoming more and more valuable. It can perform multiple inspections on a single stage while fusing multiple captured images at one time. Inspections at a single stage are possible by switching multiple lights at high speed when capturing images in microseconds to nanoseconds, thereby improving efficiency in cost and installation space. Furthermore, this method makes it easier to implement complex image processing, such as implementing image processing on captured images illuminated from multiple directions or at different wavelengths. This system requires high-quality cameras and high-speed controllers. We are capable of achieving this advanced solution by collaborating with various partners and implementing solutions for both area cameras and line scan cameras.

inVISION: Does CCS only offer vision components or will you also position yourself as a vision solution provider in the future?

Sakamoto: Of course, our ambition is to solve customers‘ every problem as a solution vendor. Our customers require not only vision components but also solutions to solve every problem. Our mission is to help customers fully utilize our insights including knowledge and experience. We also work with a wide range of our partners to help our customers overcome their challenges.

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