Hyperspectral Light Field Cameras from UV to NIR

Hyperspectral Light Field Cameras from UV to NIR

The 3D hyperspectral light field cameras Ultris 20 and 20 Plus have been upgraded to include a wavelength range of 350 to 1000nm enabling UV-VIS-NIR coverage. With a constant FWHM of 10nm across all channels, over 160 spectral bands compared to the previous 100 plus, and a native image resolution of 410×410 pixels (combined with the pan sensor on the Ultris X20 Plus model over 1800×1800 pixels is possible), the Ultris X20 camera takes hyperspectral imaging to new heights. Small and lightweight (under 350 grams), and with over 3200 lines per second – a speed equivalent to a push-broom camera – the camera remains perfectly suited to UAV mapping applications, amongst others.

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Bild: ©Ryan/stock.adobe.com
Bild: ©Ryan/stock.adobe.com
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