Extended Nvidia Jetson Support

Image: Allied Vision Technologies GmbH

Allied Vision integrates the Sony IMX global shutter sensors of the 1st Pregius generation into its Alvium cameras. This means that the Sony IMX249 is now also available in cameras with GigE Vision (Alvium G1-234), USB3 Vision (Alvium U-234) or MIPI CSI-2 (Alvium C-234) interface. The faster Sony IMX174 sensor has been integrated in the USB3 Vision cameras (Alvium U-235) as well as in the CSI-2 camera series (Alvium C-235). In addition, the internal stream layout of the Alvium CSI-2 cameras has been optimized with GenICam for CSI-2. With the new Vimba 6.1 SDK version, a further reduction of CPU load on the host side can be achieved. Thanks to another new driver, Nvidia Jetpack 4.6.1. is supported and the Jetson TX2 NX is added to the list of supported Jetson systems. A beta version supporting Nvidia Jetpack 5.0.2 is also available, so embedded system developers can already integrate Alvium CSI-2 cameras into Jetson AGX Orin-based systems as well.

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