No-code AI tools

Bild: Intratel sp. z o.o.

How did you start your business and what do you want to achieve with your company?

For 26 years, Intratel has been an IT integrator and cloud infrastructure provider. From the beginning, we have believed that effective use of technology is only possible when it is simple and user-friendly. Our vision is to provide the growing market of smart solutions with tools that allow their maximum utilization through the simplification of their implementation. This mission is embodied in OneStep AI, designed to simplify the deployment of deep neural network models. By offering no-code AI tools, we aim to make AI accessible to non-IT users, democratizing its use. Echoing the Pareto Principle, we believe that 20% of computer vision tools can address 80% of challenges, streamlining tech solutions.

To which question will your product be the answer?

Once users grasp how our application functions, a variety of solutions become available to them. Everything you can determine using an image allows you to build your detection or classification model that is the basis for application use. This approach also enables the rapid creation of prototypes to test assumptions about process transformation and efficiency. For example, users can explore how the application aids production quality control, inventory management in retail stores, or supports urban monitoring through the analysis of images from city surveillance cameras.

What makes your company unique?

Our solution stands out by offering a comprehensive, code-free approach to complex model training, from data preparation to final deployment on devices. Users can effortlessly download their work results for use in other environments. We offer efficient tools for data management and model training across various frameworks, allowing extensive configuration flexibility, result testing, and compatibility with multiple devices, including low-power ones in cloud environments.

INTRATEL sp. z o.o.

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