No Shadowing

3D Inspection of Complex Parts with Nobel-prize Technology
OptoCombs are a Nobel-prize technology and a specific type of lasers with unparalleled properties: they are made of sharp and evenly spaced spectral lines that resemble the teeth of a comb. Xtia leverages this polychromatic laser technology to offer high-speed and high-resolution 3D scanners.
Image 2 I In contrast to white light interferometry and triangulation sensors the OptoComb 3D scanners can probe deep into holes and slits without shadowing effects and can scan objects with complex features with a resolution of 1m along the laser axis.
Image 2 I In contrast to white light interferometry and triangulation sensors the OptoComb 3D scanners can probe deep into holes and slits without shadowing effects and can scan objects with complex features with a resolution of 1m along the laser axis. Bild: Xtia Ltd.

OptoComb 3D scanners perform time-of-flight measurements. By repeating the measurement across the target surface, the scanners provide the full 3D profile of the object. OptoComb scanners have a special coaxial configuration: both the incident and reflected laser beams propagate along the same axis. Combined with a long working distance, this configuration is a distinct advantage over alternative non-contact inspection methods such as triangulation-based sensors or white light interferometry. Indeed, triangulation-based sensors suffer from shadowing effects when measuring complex parts and the short working distance of white-light interferometry sensors limits the size and complexity of features and objects they can inspect. In contrast, OptoComb 3D scanners can probe deep into holes and slits without shadowing effects and can scan objects with complex features. Therefore they are an ideal alternative for the inspection of medium and large parts such as cylinder heads, valve bodies, rotors and more. With their unique measurement scheme, the scanners can achieve such a performance while reaching a resolution as high as 1m along the laser axis. Unlike traditional contact inspection methods, OptoComb 3D scanners can detect and provide quantitative information on a large range of 3D microdefects such as dents, scratches, particles, burrs and more. It is important to note that the use of the scanners is not limited to the metrology lab. With an acquisition speed as high as 500kHz, they can meet short cycle times and are thus routinely integrated in-line for the inspection of 100% of parts. Furthermore, as opposed to a lot of optical sensors out there, the interferential detection scheme of the 3D scanners prevents the system from being affected by the ambient light. They are thus the ideal solution for the inspection of both matt and shiny parts on the manufacturing floor whatever the light environment.

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